I have forgotten how fun it was to work in my art journal. I have had this Mokeskin since last fall and it's pretty plain. I can't believe I've been walking around with such a Blah notebook. Here is what I did to it last Thursday. I have never felt so free.
I want to do a little more to them to make them mine. So, I'm not finished yet.
Here is an art journal I made from 140# hot press Fibrano paper years ago. I drool over this paper. It feels so good and takes up the paint well. I made this art journal years ago and never really finished it. That's how it is for me. I start a project and then I leave it to go do something else. I'm like a bat. Flying everywhere! I never finished this journal. Meaning, I never finished binding it but thanks to Teesha Moore I finished binding it this morning and that collage you see was done this week! Never throw away your old projects. You never now when you will come back to them.
That's it for now. I need to finish a pair of earrings. Sometimes I say to myself, "Kalaya, you have to make this and that so you can sell, sell, sell. Stop messing around!" But you know what? Sometimes you just got to let go and do what your Muse tells you to do. And right now mine is saying, "paint and collage your heart away baby!".
Have a great weekend!
And here's hoping you too are following your bliss.
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