You may need many gifts in the month of May so why not make them yourself? I like the "idea" of making gifts and if I can get people involved in the piece being made the results can be earth shattering. The piece becomes magical, infused with intention, and has a bit of everyone's essence. It becomes a talisman, something with magical powers. The project is to give a sculptural piece that has been touched by everyone that had been involved in this person's life here in NOLA. And how do we do this? By keeping it simple. I decided to do what is called riffing using an earlier piece that I did in 2013. Prayer Flag 2013 For more about riffing go here to Stacie Florer's website where she will tell you all about it. Easy, right? First, I need some tube rivets. I was sawing what seemed like FOREVER and only managed to have a total of 24 itty bitty tube rivets! WHAaaaat? Remember my little friend? Tube cutting jig The plan ...
Nothing is perfect. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is complete.