Did someone say pin swap? For this year's adventure I was talked into going to the Yuma Symposium in Yuma, AZ. Was I disappointed? HELL NO! I think the only stress for me was designing these pins and catching my connection from Phoenix to Yuma. Anyway, I wanted my pins to say New Orleans without using the Fleur De Lis. So what else says New Orleans? Well, voodoo of course mon cher! I had the idea in my head since the end of 2015. That was half the battle there. First night in Yuma... PIN SWAP!!! Pin Swap at Lute's Casino I got a chance to make new friends and then met my Instagram friend that I made a week prior to Yuma. The pin swap was a great way break the ice. However, I was kind of worried at first. I was thinking... what if no one wants my pin? Maybe they'll think they are hideous and won't want to trade! Talk about feeling like you are in high school all over again. Ugh! But it wa...
Nothing is perfect. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is complete.