Mandalas have been on my mind a lot lately. Struggling to find my truth. I find making these in the studio calms me. Vitreous enamel, steel, and silver. Silver and copper ring Even though I knew that hard solder melts at 1450 degrees I still had to try enameling the copper. In theory the solder should not have run. If I only took it out of the kiln a minute sooner this may not have happened. A total melt down but I love that color! :) Vitreous enamel, copper, and 22k gold leaf My intention for the above mandala was a ring. The challenge was difficult but I managed to make it. Vitreous enamel, copper, 22K gold leaf, and silver I feel myself pivoting once again and feeling the need to create amulets and talismans but in sculpture form. Each person's life is like a mandala - vast, limitless circle. We stand in the center of our own circle, and everything we see, hear and think forms the mandala of our life...everything t...
Nothing is perfect. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is complete.