Every now and then a little elf steps into the studio while I am working and starts asking these annoying questions. What are you doing? Why are you wasting your time working on that? PRODUCTION WORK?!!! WTH?!!! He (yep the little bugger is a "he"), I shall name him Doubt, infects my mind from time to time. This all happened last Friday while making some of my New Orleans' Token pendants. So I reached down deep inside me to think about the "why". I thought about it because I was running towards something else and resisting the moment. As I sat there at my bench working on this particular token pendant here is what came to me. New Orleans Token Pendant These particular tokens were minted in 1947 and 1970. They differ only on what is said on the back (1947 - "One Base Fare" and 1970 - "One Cash Fare") . The ones I use for my pendants are minted in 1947. I do not clean them up. Instead I examine them, hold them...
Nothing is perfect. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is complete.