Oh I think summer is on its way. Those days of hot and humid and feeling like you are swimming in sweat. So I took advantage of it not being quite here yet by swinging on the hammock, reading a lovely book, and feeling the breeze sweep across my face and hair. What a lovely start to Friday, huh? Our Auntie and Uncle are back home here in New Orleans from their new home in California. I tell you this because on my bench lies a piece of copper with a hummingbird cut out of it and it has been sitting there since last summer. My intention was to mail it out to her...A Year Ago! Hehe! I was kind of paralyzed with the piece. Thinking it had to be perfect and my skills were not up to the task. I wanted her to have this piece today. It must of been the fastest piece I have ever made EVER (~2hrs)! Remember the humming bird was already pierced ahead of time and has been aging on my jewelers bench for months. ...
Nothing is perfect. Nothing is permanent. Nothing is complete.